All of your flight training, dual and solo, can be completed on school aircraft. You can also train on your own aircraft provided it is suitable for the purpose.
You can choose to take an intensive course or spread individual lessons over a period of time.
In our experience the best course of action is a combination of the two but we can schedule your training to suit your availability.
We recommend that your first step is to take a trial lesson. This will enable you to experience flying a microlight aircraft, meet the instructors and discuss the schedule of training which would suit you best. The flying time on your trial lesson can be counted towards your licence.
Ground school for the theoretical exams is covered by a combination of guided self-study and one to one teaching. You will take mock tests in each subject before sitting the exams.
All exams and flight tests are taken on site with our own CAA appointed examiners.  Paola on a trial lesson |